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Fight the Abled A Content Analysis of Disability in Super Hero Movies

What is so super about superhero movies? Not the disability portrayal according to the following content analysis. The portrayal of the disabled community seems to be a topic that is rarely focused on in the media. But what about specifically in superhero movies? Whether we want to admit it or not, superheroes play a vastly important part in shaping and cultivating society and like many other forms of media, diversity is lacking.












Recently bigger superhero movies have been released that have racially diverse casts and leading women protagonists, but to truly know how the disabled community is portrayed the following research question must be examined. The findings and interpretations of the data will allow an answer to the main research question. Do superhero movies cultivate a negative view of the disabled community?


View the full content analysis and findings below or check out the presentation to see the findings!

Presentation, Super Hero Movies, Disable
Presentation, Super Hero Movies, Disable
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